Friday, December 19, 2008

Lists, part 2

So, I just received my "Real Simple" magazine - you know, that magazine that is supposed to make my life oh so simple, and the focus of it is Lists. Really? I could have made a million dollars on my first blog post? They stole my idea!!! So here I am, almost one year out and well, I didn't do too well with the whole blog thing.


Well, I guess I couldn't figure why I wanted to do one, or I didn't give it the time it deserves (after an hour of trying to figure out my password, I was usually done). But I still like the idea of it. So now I have a new list - and that is a list of friends on facebook. I was worried at first that I would only have relatives accept me as friends (thank-you niece and Walker cousins), but I have been pleasantly surprised by the old and new friends I have acquired. And while it feels some what highschool-ish and silly - it is great to see how we have all grown up and can say 'remember when', or keep track of everyone's growing families without feeling overwhelmed by it all. I just have to post one thing once and everyone knows about it? How simple!

So my new list for 2009-
1. Make sure homework gets done*
2. Have everyone out of the house on time in the morning*
3. That we continue to keep it simple, real simple*

(*Add with minimal tears to the end of each sentence)

Oh, and that other list I mentioned in my first blog list so long ago, can we say Edward Cullen is now #1?

Happy Holidays to all!