Monday, March 10, 2008

note to self

Note to self: One night stands can turn into 18 years, a house, 2 kids.
Note to self: Renting is easier than owning.
Note to self: 2 kids are not just as easy as one.
Note to self: Bad idea to get a 3 months old puppy 26 days after putting 13 yr old dog down.
Note to self: Bad idea to get said puppy in middle of raging snow storm and have to potty train said puppy in 3 feet of snow.

If only we could have the vision and made these notes before they actually happen. Well, the first 3 notes I'm okay with. Things have turned out pretty good in those areas, even if I still have my what was I thinking moments. I'm okay with it and wouldn't trade a minute. The last 2 - well I'm not at my happy place with them yet. I'm sure in a few months (hopefully weeks) the routine will be down and I won't have that hazy feeling you have after bringing 'the new baby'. That is seriously how I feel. The last time I had a puppy (thirteen years ago!) - well I've forgotten it all. Appparently getting a puppy is like giving birth - you forget the bad stuff so that you will do it again. This too shall pass.....

Another note to self:Blog more regularly. That way I won't forget how to log on and waste all my laptop battery power trying to remember my gmail address and password.

Oh the lessons we learn in life......

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